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This is just a few of the dozens of HTML emails I have created over the past 10-plus years. If there is anything in particular you would like to see or want more information on, please contact me.

CellCore is a Health & Wellness company that produces supplements. (Audience DtoC & BtoB)

Responsible for creating HTML emails for campaigns, SMS, Automations and templates within Salesforce. Below are just a few examples.

Sample 1 Sample 2  |  Sample 3  |  Sample 4

Empower was the main client under Mittera. Emails geared to financial sector. (Audience DtoC)

Responsible for creating 25-40 HTML emails per week for campaigns. Below are just a few examples.

Sample 1 Sample 2  |  Sample 3  |  Sample 4

Estée Lauder was the main client under the agency Tinuiti. Emails geared to Wellness & Beauty sector. Brand emails include: Becca, Clinique, JoMalone, Lab Series, LaMer, MAC and more. (Audience DtoC)

Responsible for creating 20-30 HTML emails per week for US, CAN & FR CAN campaigns. Photoshop and JPEG files were provided. Some of the emails contain dynamic content and Widgets. Worked on dozens of emails during the holiday push of 2020. Below is a sample of the dozens of email examples on my hard drive.


OmegaXL is a Health & Wellness company (Audience DtoC)

Responsible for creating Acquisition, Retention, & Transactional emails. Below are just a few email examples.

Sample 1: Welcome Sample 2: Educational  |  Sample 3: Social  |  Sample 4: Transactional Receipt  Sample 5: Welcome  |  Sample 6: Social  |  Sample 7: RAF  |  Sample 8: Win-Back

TOTALEE is a Haircare company (Audience DtoC)

Responsible for creating Acquisition, Retention, & Transactional emails. Below are just a few email examples.

Sample 1: Welcome Sample 2: Winback  |  Sample 3: Social  |  Sample 4: Transactional Receipt 

UNIGO is an Education scholarship service (Audience DtoC)

Contracted to create a Ad-Hoc email. examples below.

Sample 1: Apply Now Email

Email Fastnickel

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